Web design

Riffly makes your message stand out
No templates here! Riffly designs a site specifically to suit you and your audience. Riffly’s sites are clean and well-structured, making them easy to use. Because a Riffly site is designed from the ground up around your message, it automatically has good SEO qualities without resorting to the cheesy techniques promoted by many of the over-priced SEO ‘experts’.

Riffly’s sites love all devices
The days when Web browsing was restricted to a desktop computer are long behind us. People will come to your site from all sorts of devices, including mobile phones and tablets. Riffly’s sites are designed to be ‘responsive’ to the needs of all your visitors, so that they get your full site optimized for their device.

Riffly lets you control your site’s content with ease
Worried that you won’t be able to update your site with new content after it’s complete? Riffly’s sites are built using advanced and robust Content-Management Systems like ExpressionEngine, and all customers get clear instructions about how to update their site. Anyone who can use a Web browser and a word processor can maintain the sites’ content.

Riffly provides ongoing assistance with your site
The launch of your site doesn’t have to mean goodbye for us. Riffly offers domain and Web hosting and site maintenance contracts to all Web design customers. With Riffly you can also arrange advanced hosted email to go with your new domain name for a competitive annual fee.

Riffly offers the complete package
Branding, Print, and Web design; domain registration, email services, and Web hosting; copy-writing, copy-editing, and proofreading: Riffly provides a wide range of related services to relieve your headaches.